3 TIPS to create Victory in Your Business.


The entrepreneur grind can be tricky, am I right?

As a mentor and consultant, I work hard to help my clients get ahead of their finances with strategies for invoicing, accounts receivable, and general cashflow improvement.

I have created a formula that works, and it has become a valuable tool in my arsenal. I have been able to help my clients create success with these three keys to victory. 


1)  Find a Mentor or Support System

You're Not In This Alone. Entrepreneurs often feel they have to do everything themselves. On one hand, it does allow you to remain in control of most situations and it keeps the bottom line in check. On the other hand though, everything relies solely on you, and that opens up the possibility for important details getting missed or lost in the shuffle. Bringing an advisor in early will help you avoid costly mistakes and can set you up for success.


2) Overcome the Overwhelming

Make a List & Devise a Plan. So many things get thrown at entrepreneurs and it can get very overwhelming. Things can feel scary, and we aren't always in the right head space to take them on in that moment. Things like yearly financials, corporate filings, CRA, GST, PST, payroll source deductions, invoicing, bank reconciliation. See what I mean? That all came at you pretty quick huh? Those scary little brown envelopes can pile up quickly and become easier and easier to avoid. So create a list, devise a plan that includes completion dates, then, start checking off those boxes!


3) Put on Your Own Air mask:

Self-Care, the Essential Ingredient. Working for yourself is difficult. You are dealing with unusual and long working hours, irregular and unpredictable cash flow, the fear and risk of failure, tight deadlines and time pressures, even a limited or non-existent social life. With all that you do, the concern of stress and burnout are real. 

The Western workplace culture — exported to many other parts of the world — is practically fueled by stress, sleep deprivation, and burnout. This is profoundly — and negatively — affecting our creativity, our productivity, and our decision making: the very things entrepreneurs need in order to succeed.
— Arianna Huffington

 Self care is so important. YOU are the most valuable asset to your company and being able to prioritize your self care is an integral part of your success. Be prepared, always keep a list of your favourite self care activities on hand, and schedule a few minutes every day to take care of you!


What are you waiting for? Let's work together! 

Are you ready to be Victorious?

Contact me today: 

306 520 4009.
